The real Zookeeper’s Wife, Antonina Zabinski (top), cuddles two large cats. Actress Jessica Chastain (bottom) imitates Zabinski’s love for animals in the movie.


Film Review by Marlene Ardoin

“The Zookeeper’s wife” illustrates the devastating effect of the Nazi occupation as it happened in Warsaw, Poland.

 For me, the main question that comes front and center is what can humans do to overcome indifference to the suffering and discrimination of other humans?

A true story, the Warsaw zookeeper and his wife chose to hide victims at their zoo, until they could escape to safety.

So, why do some people choose to risk their own lives to help others?

I was surprised to learn that the zookeeper, Dr. Jan Żabiński (Johan Heldenbergh), was an atheist, taking after his father.

His wife, Antonina (Jessica Chastain), was raised a Catholic, with a strong interest in the arts. She was a Russian-born Pole who lost her parents in the early days of the Russian Revolution at the hands of the Bolsheviks.

The couple hung out with artists and intellectuals. They were not given to a “follow the crowd” mentality. 

Jan liked to analyze each situation and Antonina felt that life was precious.

They felt that the Jews did not deserve the persecution and felt that the treatment of the Jews was horrific.

When a few people came to them for help, they were unable to turn their backs on them. What started out with helping a few people, turned into helping about 300 Jews during the Nazi occupation of Warsaw, Poland.

The conclusion that I have come to in this true story, is to be non-judgmental of atheists and Catholics, because, they just might save your life.


History vs Hollywood:

Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi Persecution:

Children during the Holocaust:

Warsaw Poland, WWII:

Warsaw Ghetto:

Warsaw Zoo:

What causes the psychological condition of “indifference?:

Indifference: The Absence of Empathy to Suffering and Discrimination: 

Left: Antonina and Jan Zabinski in the years after World War II. Right: Johan Heldenbergh and Jessica Chastain portray the couple in the movie.

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5/2/2017 # The Zookeeper’s Wife