Email Subscription to “Movies of the Spirit”

10 Reasons to Subscribe to “Movies of the Spirit”

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Any donation buys an email subscription to “Movies of the Spirit.” Benefits of a subscription Include:

  1. It helps you spend your time and money on worthwhile films.
  2. It helps you be instantly informed on how to avoid bad movies, choosing only the good movies.
  3. It helps you avoid bad movie experiences.
  4. It helps you feed your mind and Spirit with films of positive value.
  5. Your film discernment will impress others.
  6. You will avoid being embarrassed on a movie date.
  7. You will be able to pick movies that promote positive emotions.
  8. This site only promotes worthy films, not junk.
  9. This site will help you to avoid violence or hate-filled movies.
  10. This site makes it easy to get positive reviews instantly delivered to your email.